A fond farewell my kinsman

Thumbnail of the map 'A fond farewell my kinsman'

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Author espada777777
Tags author:espada777777 espada rated
Created 2008-05-16
Last Modified 2008-05-16
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Yes, the day has finally come... I am leaving. Forever.
I know it may break the hearts of some, but I am doing it
for the good of the country. I don't know what will happen
to Numa without my contributions. Just think, no more
hilarious maps from Espada. Oh well, maybe a new Espada
will come someday.

So I bid you all a fond farewell.

Good luck to you all.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Neil Young, A True Hero' Thumbnail of the map 'True Beauty' Thumbnail of the map 'SUPER SAIYAN 1!' Thumbnail of the map 'The Sound of Inevitability' Thumbnail of the map 'John Gerard' Thumbnail of the map 'FLAMZ0R'
Neil Young, A True Hero True Beauty SUPER SAIYAN 1! The Sound of Inevitability John Gerard FLAMZ0R


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I liked this.

But the lasers + the rocket gave me some awkward moments. and I didn't like the switch placement. I somehow loved the spammed mines though ;) 3/5


Right when I thought you were a really great mapmaker and thought you'd stay to make more!
I remember when you annoyed us to hell...
But you changed, and we are surely grateful. Great map.


Pretty fun level, but you don't need to get one of the trapdoors, which is good because mines underneath 3 tiles will kill you if you land on the top hard enough, which isn't your fault but is annoying as shit and should be avoided.

You will be missed...not by me, necessarily...(FREE COOKIES FOR WHOEVER GETS THE REFERENCE)


Demo Data


i think your levels are amazing. i used one of your tilesets and awesome. So out of curiosity why are you leaving?