Track Nine

Thumbnail of the map 'Track Nine'

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Author bufar
Tags action an and author:bufar classic eight got hard mind nine number puzzle track unrated yahoozy
Created 2008-05-12
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I saw that someone had taken this classic Yahoozy tileset and passed it off as his own. I was infuriated, so I found the original and posted a link on his maps. But I figured, while I was there, I might as well make a map from it, seeing as I never have. So here it is. I feel that this map really conveys the spirit of the tileset, without being too Yahoozy-esque. Enjoy.

Other maps by this author

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1-UP Mushroom SoundWaves. I Appreciate the Muppets More than You. Generic Laser Map Tileset The Constant


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plagerisers. those dirty bastards.
this level is great though. and the door gold is extra fun.