The 13th Floor.Made by:(aaron501656)

Thumbnail of the map 'The 13th Floor.Made by:(aaron501656)'

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Author aaron501656
Tags action author:aaron501656 fun my-best playable survival unrated
Created 2008-05-10
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description How much longer are you going to take on doing this map, this is your 24th try already...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Happy mother's day!!!'
Happy mother's day!!!


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Let me take you through this demo...

1. That first bit is glitchy, but you still can't get through it, (Which I didn't show).
2.You can set off parts of the thwumps, so you can get behind them.
3. You can get the gold before you set off thwumps
4.That hidden goal is pointless.

Sorry, awful.
Demo Data


It's ok but it's sorta dull and it looks kinda ugly. Also the thwumps don't all go at once. 2.5
Also, this reminds me of a map... Oh yah! Pressed for Time by Lucidium episode 86 level 3.