Thumbnail of the map 'WRATH OF THE DRAGON'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author X-43bfn
Tags author:x-43bfn dragon n-art nonplayable unrated wrath
Created 2008-05-09
Last Modified 2008-05-12
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description From a picture I drew a while back. The symbol at the right (in gold) is for FV, ForeVer. And the sign on the left is for X-43.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Tha Laire Re-up' Thumbnail of the map 'Drone Scramble' Thumbnail of the map 'gAUSS tRAIL 1' Thumbnail of the map 'Armagedon' Thumbnail of the map 'SECURITY 2, by X-43' Thumbnail of the map 'Running Errands'
Tha Laire Re-up Drone Scramble gAUSS tRAIL 1 Armagedon SECURITY 2, by X-43 Running Errands


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YAH SURE! thanks


Do you mind if I use the tile set, if I give you cred. and link my finished map to yours?