Castle coridors

Thumbnail of the map 'Castle coridors'

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Author maxxfreak
Tags action author:maxxfreak locked-door playable puzzle unrated
Created 2008-05-01
Last Modified 2008-05-01
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Awesome level with lots of triggers, very fun to play, med-easy.


Pages: (0)

hope this helps

Really freaking long and boring.
A little helpful advice here:
1. don't spam gold
2. make it harder, you could make it the the whole 'castle' without the threat of even dying until the very bottom, which was still very easy..
3. be more creative with the tileset and use more enemies, some drones could have been fun in the castle
4. don't put a bazillion doors, it gets boring.
5. you say this is med-easy, it was really easy.
Demo Data


Sorry bout that, its fixed now!

Cool, but you put the ninja in the wrong place