uber+race=this map

Thumbnail of the map 'uber+race=this map'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author funman
Tags action author:funman medium race rated
Created 2008-04-14
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description rate :D comment:) play :O plz o_O and look at this map ok
look at it
look at it
look at it
look at it
look at it


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'CODE' Thumbnail of the map 'uberfish!' Thumbnail of the map 'nuf fun' Thumbnail of the map 'mud spelled backwards is dum' Thumbnail of the map 'back maybe' Thumbnail of the map 'hell-oh'
CODE uberfish! nuf fun mud spelled backwards is dum back maybe hell-oh


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to where people can actually understand you the first time through.

You have to find a way to work around that then, don't just leave it how it was the first time, test some other stuff out...


i cant use 1 ways now can i? or 1 would mess up the flow and al son i dont know how the other races are i havent beed on in like i realy dont know but a long time

Way faster.

Pretty generic. It's like every other race on here nowadays. The flow was alright, but the using trapdoors that much doesn't appeal to me.

Demo Data


and it was only.. 1..2...4...8......uhhh....7 yeah! so you were wrong ha!
but ya know it was a little to hard lol


4.5/5 - 5/5 would have been if the flow was easy to recognize


and you didnt rate ;D

heres the demo

oh and if theres any thing u dont like ill gladly fix it so yeah ok?
Demo Data


i seem to have lost my flow, if anybody finds it please return it, i'm offering a small reward.
Demo Data

wok ill post a demo

and the reson i did that is because my last maps dit get much looked at it


Not too bad, but if you dont want to look like a noob don't use too much chatspeak and i wouldn't advise you to uh.. say "look at it" 10 times over..

I got lost...

Demo please.