I got nothing

Thumbnail of the map 'I got nothing'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Green_Ghost
Tags action author:green_ghost playable rated
Created 2008-04-13
Last Modified 2008-04-13
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description Heres a spazzy randomish map, I hope you like it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Arrow Hitting Tree' Thumbnail of the map 'Signed Pants Leg' Thumbnail of the map 'I was Feeling Hollow' Thumbnail of the map 'Hsalucr' Thumbnail of the map 'Influenza' Thumbnail of the map 'Iron Heart'
Arrow Hitting Tree Signed Pants Leg I was Feeling Hollow Hsalucr Influenza Iron Heart


Pages: (0)

Yes indeedy

im glad someone noticed

I see the person!

That was intentional, right?

it's fixed

maybe it was just me. *shrug* 4.


Map's fine.
demos when the ninja still automatically dies? huh...



SkyRay, you're an ass.


didnt go for the gold. cool map though.


by the way i think skyray just rates and comments on peoples maps to get in good graces so they rate his.
Demo Data


fast now. the map is a little unactiony in the bottom part. Maybe a drone or a gauss.
Demo Data

TOOOOOO slow agd

got caught in the bottom part. Took too long there
Demo Data


okay map.

Demo Data


skyray got owned!

Hella slow.

Hella fun map. I love the gauss placement, and the bottom door idea. This is the fresh map NUMA needed.

Concealed rating.
Demo Data

way to be dumb*

not "ruin be dumb". :]
Wow SkyRay, way to ruin be dumb. That is called rating by the thumbnail or author, and that is bad.
I forgot to reset the pieces when I submitted, the ninja dies as soon as you start it

Fun interesting tileset and fun gameplay 4.5/5