
Thumbnail of the map 'poetic(resub)'

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Author stepherdude
Tags author:stepherdude rated
Created 2008-04-05
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description thats every map... enjoy

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'retro blast' Thumbnail of the map 'poetic' Thumbnail of the map 'Crimson Falls' Thumbnail of the map 'crimson falls (resub)' Thumbnail of the map 'DED-o-rama' Thumbnail of the map 'retro blast(resub)'
retro blast poetic Crimson Falls crimson falls (resub) DED-o-rama retro blast(resub)


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make a map right

make some maps with less everything and where you can get all the gold without dieing
than what's already been said, except for the fact that the level takes waaaaay too long to load.

map # 121000!

too much gold though

Spam galore.

Ugh... Too much spam of gold
Ugh... Too much spam of mines
Ugh... Too much spam of launch pads
Ugh... Too much spam of bounceblocks
Ugh... 1.5/5


why thank you...


why thank you...

Bad. Very bad.

Worthless, actually.