Look before you leap

Thumbnail of the map 'Look before you leap'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Dead_N
Tags action author:dead_n drones gauss hard mines playable puzzle-ish rated rocket
Created 2008-04-04
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Once again, you have to work extra if you're going for an AGD.
It's a little bit puzzle-ish.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Part 29 - The monstrous collision' Thumbnail of the map 'Incomplete DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'Part 32 - The flood' Thumbnail of the map 'The sound barrier' Thumbnail of the map 'Caverns of the lost' Thumbnail of the map 'Let's get lost'
Part 29 - The monstrous collision Incomplete DDA Part 32 - The flood The sound barrier Caverns of the lost Let's get lost


Pages: (0)


luved it.... 4.5


I loved it!

It was simple, original, didn't take ages to load, but it was still a challenge.

Brilliant - 5/5aved

Keep making levels like this!!