Prep Talk

Thumbnail of the map 'Prep Talk'

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Author XtremistKid
Tags action author:xtremistkid n-art playable puzzle-ish unrated
Created 2008-03-23
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Which Key opens the drones freedom??
Have Fun, Enjoy, Rate. and Comment

Thanks You

Kelvin Shang

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Tommorrow I Hope' Thumbnail of the map 'Patience Brother' Thumbnail of the map 'Disaters Realm' Thumbnail of the map 'Colorful Wonders' Thumbnail of the map 'I Believe So' Thumbnail of the map 'Obstacle Course'
Tommorrow I Hope Patience Brother Disaters Realm Colorful Wonders I Believe So Obstacle Course


Pages: (0)

Demo Data

Can you say long?

It's obvious that that one switch without a locked door over it, is the one that unlocks the enemies.

.5/5. The level is way too long, and all you do is run back and forth, and the tileset makes it all jerky and crap.

10000 frame long demo.
Demo Data