
Thumbnail of the map 'Aeronautics'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author sidke
Tags author:sidke easy falling rated rockets
Created 2008-03-13
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Comment and rate, if you will.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Caelestis' Thumbnail of the map 'Barb's Wire' Thumbnail of the map 'Hendrix : The not ag' Thumbnail of the map 'Coliseum' Thumbnail of the map 'Are you sure you weren't followed?' Thumbnail of the map 'Capture the Moment'
Caelestis Barb's Wire Hendrix : The not ag Coliseum Are you sure you weren't followed? Capture the Moment


Pages: (0)

Say . . .

An intellectual map is artistic and often gets bitesized despite not being fun to play.

Your design is not impressive, but it is fun to play. I guess I was complementing your map or dissing those that I find boring - however you want to look at it.


What is qualified as an intellectual map?

Slick AGD

Not the most intellectual map I've ever seen, but the gameplay is great - which is all that really matters anyway, right?
Demo Data


Demo Data

This time

N made it
Demo Data
the level ;)

Good one
Demo Data