
Thumbnail of the map 'dd(eh)'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author maranoman
Tags author:maranoman dda kradda nonplayable rated
Created 2008-02-29
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description i wanted more in it, but it had a 50ms/f and i dont know how much that will lag on worse computers then mine so i stopped here

fun lvl took me 3 days enjoy...

rate: 0s are fine i like feedback to make my dda's better

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '2 way race' Thumbnail of the map 'the iron lung' Thumbnail of the map 'bloken toe' Thumbnail of the map 'dumb-ellz' Thumbnail of the map 'pizza man' Thumbnail of the map 'heaven?'
2 way race the iron lung bloken toe dumb-ellz pizza man heaven?


Pages: (0)


*gets heart attack in fear of the ninja's life. and rates five on the way down.*


I love how you incorporate zap-drones into your dda's. It's new, I've never seen it before. Though super laggy on my computer (as is just about everything), I like it.

k cool

by distractions you mean to many drones? doing other things just for my next that im currently working on


while nice and creative with the close-calls... i think there may have been too many distractions... 4/5


ima take it as one


you need another drone? lol


keep rating and posting pl0x



good, but

try not to have so many drones that they end up overlapping or following each other too closely.
5. I love drone-based maps.

cheated demo.
Demo Data


woow! awesome! 8-o

and it's the first dda i've seen where the guy survives after reaching the exit door ;)

thank you

for your support


i just realized how little attention your maps get!

you only have 2 rated maps! thats unbeleiveable!

But then again, my action maps dont normally get rated either :(


i loved it.

perhaps you could have put lots of enemies into it before you started, then make the DDA around the enemies, rather than throwing in lots of drones afterwards?

although, saying that, i dont actually know if thats what you did. meh, oh well.