Spot The Difference

Thumbnail of the map 'Spot The Difference'

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Author guy_zap
Tags author:guy_zap unrated
Created 2008-02-23
Last Modified 2008-02-23
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description ===JUMP-ONLY!===

Each of the other 3 panels is slightly different than the one with objects by one tile.

Other maps by this author

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Rac'ems 3- Pipeline 2 Press Alt+F4 to see this properly... lazerthwumpminegraaaaavvvvviiityyyy!!! Follow that Drone! Whose Birthday is it Anyway? www.


Pages: (0)


Oh, didn't read the 'jump only' part. Here's my real demo.`
Awfully slow.
Demo Data

First try

Demo Data


the bottom right has a 4 tile in the corner.
the bottom left has a changed tile 2 spaces up & 1 to the right of where the door would be.
the top right has that protruding 5 tile.
Demo Data