
Thumbnail of the map 'RUN!!!!!!!!!!'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Awesomeman64
Tags author:awesomeman64 easy playable race rated
Created 2008-02-23
Last Modified 2008-02-23
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description I've made the point of this level not to win, but to see how long you can last.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'bouncy' Thumbnail of the map 'The gold mine' Thumbnail of the map 'the gold walk' Thumbnail of the map 'volcanic labyrinth' Thumbnail of the map 'the lab'
bouncy The gold mine the gold walk volcanic labyrinth the lab


Pages: (0)

too easy

all i did was run there and run back

Not a race.

"I've made the point of this level not to win, but to see how long you can last."

Then it's a survival map.

First try.

Don't spam objects like this. And put some actual gameplay into it. NR.
You need to have a look at this:
Demo Data

Not good

Way too many guns and is too easy


redeeming value whatsoever. Worthless.