Mash Mish

Thumbnail of the map 'Mash Mish'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Maniak
Tags action author:maniak playable rated
Created 2005-08-08
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description A moderately long room-based map by me. Plus, as an added bonus, the outside border is comprised of the tiles of whatever map you last played.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Rot Ate' Thumbnail of the map 'Curve'd' Thumbnail of the map 'Subterranean Subterfuge' Thumbnail of the map 'Rightly Cautious' Thumbnail of the map 'Cataclysmic Catacombs' Thumbnail of the map 'Psychedelic Situation'
Rot Ate Curve'd Subterranean Subterfuge Rightly Cautious Cataclysmic Catacombs Psychedelic Situation


Pages: (0)

Long long story

But Eli did it a long time ago. It's not easy to make these things.


I'm using firefox, and this border stuff is insane. How do you do it?

Good map too!


Whoever is rating my maps without leaving comments, I'd like if, you know, you DID leave comments.


It's just me - FireFox doesn't like the beginning spaces for some reason or another. To all FireFox users - whip up your backup copy of IE for this. Come on, it's just one page!


I like the border thing.


Bear with me. It's so hard to get stuff along those lines working.