
Thumbnail of the map 'Camoflague'

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Author millermoor12
Tags author:millermoor12 be careful gold of out safe the unrated watch
Created 2008-02-17
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Be careful, man. it is not gonna be pretty. you are going to lose a couple of times, so be ready for that. I will tell you that you are completely safe after you open the door.


Pages: (0)

a) You nick a tileset from the game without crediting profusely, even then it is generally a no-no.
b) You then make said level worse to play. Compare them before hand and decide which you would actually like to play more.
c) You make it easier than said level, and then comment in such a manner to imply it is harder. Be realistic in your comments.
d) Your comment is, as icewalker said, degrading and patronizing. Don't insult people who will play your maps.
e) Hiding objects behind gold is also not greatly liked.
f) And it's camouflage in most circles, although from your spelling's proliferation on the internet you can be forgiven for that.

Pretty bad

Too easy, weakly adapted metanet tileset, ridiculously simple, completely false and somewhat annoyingly degrading comment with map, too easy, unnecessary gold and enemies that barely do anything set up all over the place...

The list goes on...