
Thumbnail of the map 'Suicide'

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Author Freak_With_Talent
Tags action author:freak_with_talent dda playable unrated
Created 2008-02-14
Last Modified 2008-02-17
Map Data

Description Well, this is my first submited map and first DDA. I guess it's good, but your the judge. Another thing, in my DDA, your ninja will go through a mine. Explosion, blood, the whole thing, but he will still be alive. Enjoy the show!


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I hope I fixed it

I beleive I have salved the problem, but I could be wrong. It works fine on my computer, but if it still doesn't work, I'll come and try and fix it again.


finish the level because the launcher that it right ater the thwump and rocket that explodes (early in the level) pushes me right into a mine and i die but i can still jump around on the tiles and nothing else. fix it. 2/5


finish the level because the launcher that it right ater the thwump and rocket that explodes (early in the level) pushes me right into a mine and i die but i can still jump around on the tiles and nothing else. fix it. 2/5

3.5 for

overuse of mines, only one enemy, amd lauchpads.

next map put down a few more enemies and experiment with different types of propusion.

don't press one.


Wasn't gold delay used twice?

Not bad for a first dda, but it got boring after a while. Also, avoid using too many launchpads or gold delay.
just saying. its too easy to make it look like a close call, but its really not.


The idea's nice, good length, but there's that over use of launch pads and the chance of not being able to complete the level. But it's pretty good for a first time. Just work with the objects, try to stay away from launch pads, and you should be able to start making good DDA's.


it would be a 3/5 if I could rate it. :D

It works.

Good for a first DDA. I liked the use of the false tile. The launchpads weren't that great though. Try to make a DDA that has no launchpads. Even though gold delay was only used in one spot, still try to exclude it completely. Not a bad length at all. I like how the ninja cheated death once. Also, try to include close-calls in the DDA to keep it from being boring.

3/5 Good work.
If you have glitchs involved with the DDA (like you get killed by the rocket, or that mine kills you go through kills you), please note it and I will deal with it. But on my computer, it works all the time. So, that's all. Have fun!