N for Noob

Thumbnail of the map 'N for Noob'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author n0valyfe
Tags action alphabet author:n0valyfe challenge mines playable unrated
Created 2008-02-13
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description The 14th map in the Alphabet of Challenges, the letter 'N'.

This one introduces some zap drones and laser drones, and overall shouldn't be too hard. Its pretty fun too.

Hope you enjoy


P.S I sent an email t the bitesize team, and I haven't got a relpy yet, do they usually take forever to answer?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'H for Happy' Thumbnail of the map 'I for Interesting' Thumbnail of the map 'J for Jaguar' Thumbnail of the map 'K for Kangaroo' Thumbnail of the map 'L for Lard' Thumbnail of the map 'M for Majestic'
H for Happy I for Interesting J for Jaguar K for Kangaroo L for Lard M for Majestic


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ive seen people with less than 15 maps using bitesize. just need to know if they ever reply lol

Was easier than

the recent ones.
Demo Data

About the map

its nice you included more enemies, although the style didnt change at all...
about the bitesize
I dont think they will give you bitesize powers with only 29 maps


Bloody fast :)


was that
Demo Data


Shoot thats fast hendor


that was sneaky
Demo Data


Demo Data

drones are cool

trapdoors aren't needed
Demo Data


Forgot to mention
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