The Code

Thumbnail of the map 'The Code'

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Author Gogiga_Gagagigo
Tags author:gogiga_gagagigo playable puzzle rated
Created 2005-08-04
by 16 people.
Map Data

Description A jumper hard jumper puzzle, here. But if you like the jump button very much, this level is just a walk in the park. =)

Hope you like it!

Rate, comment and leave speed demos!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Laser Doom Deluxe.' Thumbnail of the map 'Mountain Climb' Thumbnail of the map 'Ultimate Challenge Part 3.' Thumbnail of the map 'Park Play' Thumbnail of the map 'Conclusionalistic' Thumbnail of the map 'Da Rock Cavern'
Laser Doom Deluxe. Mountain Climb Ultimate Challenge Part 3. Park Play Conclusionalistic Da Rock Cavern


Pages: (0)

I liked it much.

And the sequel too!

The Next One...

...Is soon coming!


I like it, Gogiga. The only part that was irritating were the little spike things right at the end. Falling from any distance onto the slanted part was fatal, due to the mine on the *other* side of the slant. Besides that, yeah, fun level!


oh yeh and at the end of my demo its cool because n holds his running pose for a second.
just look at it and u'll c.


i like jumpers like this however i felt that is was not long enuff and it was a tadd to easy.
good work, i want to c another one, like this xcept with more length and slightly more hardness.
a fairly good demo attched, all gold, not the best demo u'll c probably.
Demo Data


Erm, it's definitely fun to play. As far as jump maps go it is not that original... but... however slightly amateurish it also looks, it is still a fun map.
Demo Data

