Long, hard, and full of seamen

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Author Cerberus[]
Tags action author:cerberus[] playable unrated
Created 2008-02-05
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A boat, of course!

Other maps by this author

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Nothing to Gein Jesus Saves Vodka And Your Coke I, Drone Post Pennelope Greaser's Garage


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Technically, it's the testicles that are full of semen.

Fool. /slaps Cerberus' head in condescending sort of way


The beginning with the thwump is nice, I like the way you have to get just enough speed. I don't like the placement of any of the gausses, the top one is irritating, especially combined with the floorguard. The middle one is irritating as well, but it did make me feel panicked, which I felt went fell in this, close-quarter map. The mine part was a nice touch. At the end however, it felt like you ran out of ideas and just decided to add another switch.

Overall, 4/5