A Tribute to N

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Author emi_loves_N
Tags author:emi_loves_n n-art rated
Created 2008-02-03
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description haha, MASSIVE LAG! but you've gotta admit, it does look pretty awesome.

I made this whilst on a 9 hour car trip. I really like N...

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It's a bit weird, but I liked it.

too bad

it has a 2 now...i wonder what happened. anyway, i think this deserves a 3.5 and all. i'll round up because of peace's rating tho.

Very cool!

Wow, looking at your DDA I thought you were a complete n00b. But this is awesome. I love your technique. I think a 4 would be in order *digs around in cupboard* Ah! here it is *stickies it onto this map* Ahh.. beautiful.