cool tunnel effect (kind of)

Thumbnail of the map 'cool tunnel effect (kind of)'

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Author 1williamsg
Tags author:1williamsg n-art nonplayable rated
Created 2008-01-25
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description i know people have don this sort of thing before but i like this one when i found it out accidently.
if when you edit a map and you click out side of the screen twice when putting down doors the line goes from the top left corner and not the door to the switch which is what got me to do this

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'I AHTE THIS ! (AFTER 500 GOS AT IT)' Thumbnail of the map 'leap of faith to the climb of fame' Thumbnail of the map 'CRASY EYES' Thumbnail of the map 'ninja stars' Thumbnail of the map 'GERAINT' Thumbnail of the map 'experiment'
I AHTE THIS ! (AFTER 500 GOS AT IT) leap of faith to the climb of fame CRASY EYES ninja stars GERAINT experiment


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you should *not* rate it! god. You have to press e and wait a bit.. it's beautiful. But it didn't take much work. But... well I'll give it a 5 to make up for those people who are just rating bad for the fun of it.

it's more like..

the sun peeking from.. somewhere
Like, art made in N.
2+2.... 2+2....


You just die though?! What in the name of fudge is cool about this map!!?


So many N008s are rating this good. He's just used the Ghost tiles which were found when the game came out (well basically).

Nice effect

Seriously thats awesome!! 5ved (to counter act the other votes, 4 normally)

Oh yeh

same here devilwarier9, same here... 1/5


i dun get it