The Top of Buoy Base

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Author junotoad
Tags author:junotoad playable puzzleish tower trap unrated water
Created 2008-01-20
Last Modified 2008-01-20
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description DON'T fall over the side, you could get hit by a floorguard.


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A few things...

First off, the drones are completely pointless and simply create lag. I realize its for the water effect, but.. please, remove them. Next, there is absolutely no excitement in this map. You could add a few mines to the inside of the tower, maybe a guass in the topmost room... a floorguard to the gold area. Experiment! Add some enemies, and see what works and what doesn't. Then there's the left side, which is currently pointless. Either leave it empty, or add some gold/switches to make the player go there. And, by all means, make sure your floorguards actually guard a floor. Finally, do something else with the gold. It generally isn't a good idea to put it all in one place, and this is no exception. Once you've added some enemies, figure out where the player still doesn't have to go, and put a few pieces there. That's not the best rule, but it'll certainly get you started.
Sorry if that seemed overly critical, but I'm just trying to help out a bit. As I found, you can get better a lot faster when you listen to people.