
Thumbnail of the map 'Elvis'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author mrgy05
Tags author:mrgy05 elvis mrgy05 n-art nart nonplayable rated
Created 2008-01-05
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description Not much to look at, but I had a Elivis moment and had to sketch him as a N-Art.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'This is how I dance' Thumbnail of the map 'DoWn' Thumbnail of the map 'D.B.' Thumbnail of the map 'Butter, Milk, and Eggs' Thumbnail of the map 'Drop The Ball' Thumbnail of the map 'The Downfall'
This is how I dance DoWn D.B. Butter, Milk, and Eggs Drop The Ball The Downfall


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there shading on the cheeks is a bit much. however that dosnt take away from the whole. 4/5

a bit too

much shading round the cheeks makes him look like he hasnt eten in years. :P 5/5 though really cool love the hair

~ i dunno

looks a bit strange, $4 i think.
i've never really liked elvis much though.


Fucking cool.