Part 1: Escape

Thumbnail of the map 'Part 1: Escape'

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Author SPITFIRE70875
Tags author:spitfire70875 playable unrated
Created 2007-12-28
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description The evil King Red has taken N and his presious gold
medallion but N's cell door is unlocked can N make it
into the dungeon take his medallion back and escape the
evil King Red by heading into the caves olny time will
tell... that and your skills.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Lots of gold delay' Thumbnail of the map 'Sad ending' Thumbnail of the map 'surf contest' Thumbnail of the map 'a bunch of trap doors N' twumps' Thumbnail of the map 'JUMP'N AROUND' Thumbnail of the map 'vision test'
Lots of gold delay Sad ending surf contest a bunch of trap doors N' twumps JUMP'N AROUND vision test


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How did the cell door open? No just joking.

I like the idea 1 point, quite easy no points, I like the tower 0.5 point but you could have used it more like making "windows" in the main tower so they can shoot u while being in the main tower.

pretty boring

the ending was alright.
too much running around
too much gold spamming with the lazer
Demo Data