A forest of thoughts

Thumbnail of the map 'A forest of thoughts'

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Author guy_zap
Tags author:guy_zap only-jump onlyjump playable scores unrated
Created 2007-12-24
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description THIS IS AN ONLY-JUMP!!!!!!

Make your way through the forest of thoughts and choose your true path of the ninja. If you make it you are permitted to enter ther next forest. Depending on whichever exit you end on, that amount of gold is your score. Add up the scores and by the end of 5 levels tell me your score and i will give you your true destiny as a ninja.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'My Wife and Kids' Thumbnail of the map 'Storage' Thumbnail of the map 'DdA 1:  Elevator vs Escalator' Thumbnail of the map 'Storage 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Challenge un' Thumbnail of the map 'RockHoppa'
My Wife and Kids Storage DdA 1: Elevator vs Escalator Storage 2 Simple Challenge un RockHoppa


Pages: (0)

Can't figure out how to get to the door on the right.
Demo Data

I'll see

I'm not sure but it is hard


What seppi4 said


can you post a demo?
i can't immagine how it should work perfect...(i know what one-jump means, but i've never played)