Janet's Planet

Thumbnail of the map 'Janet's Planet'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author shortshift
Tags action agd author:shortshift bitesized blargh playable rated shortshift
Created 2007-12-11
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description this one took soooo long to make, and its no where near what i had wanted... map makers block... well, have fun! AGDs

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'When Everything Falls' Thumbnail of the map 'Nebula' Thumbnail of the map 'We Do.' Thumbnail of the map 'Fortunato' Thumbnail of the map 'KRAAAWWLWLWKKKACAKKARA' Thumbnail of the map 'Circle The Sky'
When Everything Falls Nebula We Do. Fortunato KRAAAWWLWLWKKKACAKKARA Circle The Sky


Pages: (0)

Sweet map

i like the tileset and the placement of the droid


Holy crap dude!

I miss you!

tileset is nice

but i think it needs more enemies, it's kind of bland up until the laser drone.

Woo shartcannon.

Contact me sometime. We're starting up Mirage again.
Oh, and have an AGD.
Demo Data


I had a 'Not-very-speedy' spee demo, but I accidentally copied level data instead, and then I closed N because it was slowing my computer, so I lost the demo data! AAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!

Grr......Well, anyway, an awesome map. Amazing. Very fun. I think it deserves a 4.5/5, so that's what I'm giving you.