
Thumbnail of the map 'Glitches'

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Author JackPack
Tags author:jackpack glitches playable tutorial unrated
Created 2007-12-11
Last Modified 2007-12-11
Map Data

Description Glitches most N players would know and should know.
Thanks for the people who made the maps I got these glitches from.
I know its pretty bad.

Check it out if you're new to Numa.

Btw, no code-editing.

Comments and Demos appreciated.

Other maps by this author

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Circular Will to Live Circular Port Duck Among Us Split Ends Circle Palace


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it is only 1 glitch, which is when you get killed and hit a jump pad at the same time. or atleast thats what happens every time i do it


longest agd. keep reaching for the stars, kid.
needs more glitches.
Demo Data
...mostly because it wouldn't play back completely until I had added ~200 to the number at the start.
Demo Data


it's awesome!!!
of course this is nothing new but i like it. it would be a 3.5, since it's already been done before.


Try to figure it out first.
Demo Data