Achilles Last Stand

Thumbnail of the map 'Achilles Last Stand'

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Author pepi321
Tags action author:pepi321 playable rated
Created 2007-12-07
Last Modified 2007-12-07
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description A ten minute song by Led Zeppelin, including harrowing vocals and crazy guitar.

This is a difficult map. Even for those of you who are experienced in N, this WILL present a challenge. I guarantee it. The ending is deadly. No seriously, the ending is a maze of traps that will own you if you aren't careful. Observing the placement of the locks will be helpful, and once you get the door key.... run like hell to the exit. Or you won't make it.

And to top it off, a tileset using only 2, 3, 6, 7, E, and D tiles. I HAVE beat this level, just in case you were wondering.

Please DO NOT judge on the thumbnail! You must PLAY this level...

Please enjoy the several hours of work I have put into this!

Other maps by this author

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T3chno fell into a hole... Hematocryal In the Claws of Death Paronymous Tenebrific Scansorial


Pages: (0)

Easy going, but offers a good challenge. I'll never look at floorguards the same way I did before again. 4.5


great song to a great N lv. love it thanks for that
here's how to get past it

i went a little farther actually, to the next part and got mauled
Demo Data
i saw "Even for those of you who are experienced in N" and i had to give it a go.
ill admit, it wasnt easy, but apart from that horridly placed mine, it wasnt.. tooo hard.
4. nicely comstructed
Demo Data

<3 led zepp

nice map

I love that song

and I like this map, the gameplay is not usual

it was quite hard

and it was quite enjoyable
near completion demo, although i'm trying for completion
Crafted Beautifully
Demo Data