King Thump-a-man's Tomb

Thumbnail of the map 'King Thump-a-man's Tomb'

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Author insertIDhere
Tags author:insertidhere puzzle rated thump tomb trap treasure
Created 2007-12-07
Last Modified 2007-12-08
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Fools who enter Thump-a-man's tomb are doomed to death.... Or maybe not.

For those who find this immpossible, heres a hint. Look at the mines.

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Made me laugh.

For half a second.
A cool idea, but only 2/5
Heres a hint. Look at some of the mines.


IT'S NOT IMPOSSIBLE!!! lol i noticed that the gold behind the thwumps hides the door....

:D I give myself 5 and I give you 2.5

But it's like...

why? its impossible, so whats the point of it all? NR


im enhing at the 2.5 i gave you.
i was thinking about a 2

Not cool, not cool.

Still kind of funny. 2.5/5, not much effort, sorry.
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