
Thumbnail of the map 'storage'

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Author drikam
Tags author:drikam storage unrated
Created 2007-11-20
Map Data

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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Break Out' Thumbnail of the map 'Black Citadel' Thumbnail of the map 'Posion Wine' Thumbnail of the map 'Twenty milion blue dots' Thumbnail of the map 'Black Sky' Thumbnail of the map 'Black Hole'
Break Out Black Citadel Posion Wine Twenty milion blue dots Black Sky Black Hole


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Oh, hah.

atob has it all right. x
artistic licence aside, it should never be placed in such an amount that renders AG a chore (a challenge is fine, but that's entirely different). That's not subjective, just bad design.

Completion Demo

I agree with atob that the AGD is just rediciculous. I could attempt to dance in front of that chaingunner all day but would never get the AGD.

Then again, it seems to be an awful norm of NUMA that every map that has gold in it has to give the ability of the AG.

Not all maps need to be that way.
Demo Data


it isn't finished..
but thanks for advice..

I tried with rocket - bad
chaingun.. isnmt anythign special too.. too iritating..
gauss is easy.. well.. =P


For me and my tastes, yes I do think so.
Personally I don't like quite a few of the top rated maps on this site and think some of the more recent maps are a fair bit better.

id say

take out the chaingun completely or replace with a Gauss. other than that. great level. 4/5 if i could
doubles there ;)


you really think this map would be absolutely perfect and deserve to be rated level to the greatest maps on NUMA, if only he'd fix that initial climb?

I know it's subjective, but I feel this is why the vast majority of authors never progress. Hardly anyone knows how to give constructive feedback.

Or perhaps it's just me being a git.


Why'd you disable ratings on this level? It's great.
I love the level, the chaingun and mines go really well together.
I'd give it a 4.5/5, Id' say 5/5 if it wasn't for the way you have to get up from the bottom.
I think there's too much going on on each level. It's real arduous going for All Gold.

I'd simplify each stage to begin with, then Perhaps increase the difficulty slightly as you climb?