
Thumbnail of the map 'Renegade-01'

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Author Bullet1994
Tags action author:bullet1994 easy playable unrated
Created 2007-11-09
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Credit goes to Zapp-edd for the tiles. Another easy level for you fellow n00bs out there. Only one tricky part on there but I think you can get it.

Hunted will continue I haven't abandoned it, for anyone who cares...

Rate+Comment please. AGDs appreciated.

Straight from the Lab.

Other maps by this author

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Simple Shocking Numa Stimulate Pods Hunted 0-0 Renegade


Pages: (0)


To think an incredibly crappy map I made a long time ago would be eventually turned into something much better… Nice work, even though as of now I haven't quite gotten back out of the base to the exit (Stupid gauss turret at the bottom got me… Hate the way they're smart and will fire if their crosshair is at the other side of the room as long as you're at a point in between that crosshair and themselves…). 3/5


nice fun action
Demo Data


tileset could be improved a little bit. otherwise, pretty much a good straightforward action map.