
Thumbnail of the map 'Overturn'

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Author Ninja_Lucas
Tags action author:ninja_lucas hard playable rated showdown
Created 2007-11-08
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description My 3rd map in about a year, so it's a bit sketchy. This map requires skill and luck to beat it on your first try.

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abit too hard though


I don't know why I bothered, but here it is.
Demo Data


1. You put in way too many twumps. Half would suffice or even less.
2. Do not put gold halfway into a wall. It's terrible.
3. People really don't enjoy being tricked into a trapped position unless it's a puzzle map.
4. Don't put in unessecary objects. For example, the sliding doors under each switch. useless. You only needed 1 switch, too.
5. You don't need launchpads for this.

But, lo and behold, good features of your map.

- Has certain glitches and tricks newcomers don't even know of 3 weeks later.
- Your gold is not (completely) tacky.
- Pleasant aesthetics.

I nominate you a 3.5


It was the annoying touch :P


I thought there were some nice sections... but I would suggest that you never have hidden trapdoors.