Completely Gridlocked

Thumbnail of the map 'Completely Gridlocked'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author TheWigginator
Tags action author:thewigginator playable puzzle rated
Created 2007-11-03
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Not only is this the first map I submitted but its actually the first map I ever made.
Probably terrible then...
Oh well.
Kind of part action part puzzle part whatever.


Pages: (0)

Okay then,

Cheers for the comments people, I'll take your advice Cossack.
As to the comment abount dying in the launchpad room, well I think I must have got well lucky because it hardly ever happened to me.


has anyone even actually played the map. the first launchpad room you die more than half the time.
dont make box room maps. you can tell if someone is new just by that design. try to make interesting or at least standard generic tilesets. this level is ok surprisingly enough and warrants a 3 + 0.5 for it being a first but seriouslt - no more box rooms.


Pretty good! 4/5

Keep it up


The thumbnail doesn't show the ninja. You actually start where the door is.

Not bad


Um.. Where's the spawnpoint?