Preminition of Fell Purpose

Thumbnail of the map 'Preminition of Fell Purpose'

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Author euphoria
Tags action author:euphoria playable rated
Created 2005-07-16
Last Modified 2005-07-16
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Here it is, completed. Thanks for all the input. Before you read the story, read this part. This map is hard. And long. So You may count the 2 trap doors that are surrounded by gold so they make a + symbol as checkpoints and if you reach them and die, feel free to reset and respawn there.
As a relic hunter you have heard stories of the great and mystical jungle temples where sacrificial ceremonies took place. Souls were offered to the heathen gods in the hopes that the killers would be rewarded with supernatural powers. After years of searching, you have discovered a terrifying cave entrance. As you gaze upon the gaping maw of a stone beast, you just know that something horrible lies within the labyrinthine temple...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Braving The Flames' Thumbnail of the map 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' Thumbnail of the map 'Pipe Dreams' Thumbnail of the map 'Noumenon' Thumbnail of the map 'Perceived by a Cold Intelligence' Thumbnail of the map 'Cower'
Braving The Flames Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds Pipe Dreams Noumenon Perceived by a Cold Intelligence Cower


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Feels epic. I love it.

i like it

this is a fun adventure level. don't have a demo yet, but it's been fav'd.
from the thwump...
Demo Data


The second checkpoint requires you to do something. Before continuing, make sure that the drone in the passage above it has been released.
Have fun!