Digital Blasphemy

Thumbnail of the map 'Digital Blasphemy'

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Author Cossack
Tags author:cossack bitesized n-art nonplayable rated silhouette techno
Created 2007-10-21
by 24 people.
Map Data

Description Havnt made one of these in a while and i thought its about time. again my own design - not copied or anything. some parts didnt turn out too well coz my hand shook again but other than that im pleased with it. decided to go for a theme further from dragons and animals. (this was dont on paper origianlly) hope you like

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Sitting in the Wind' Thumbnail of the map 'Roar!!' Thumbnail of the map 'Fat Boy' Thumbnail of the map 'The King' Thumbnail of the map 'Gimme Your Soul' Thumbnail of the map 'Look into my Eyes '
Sitting in the Wind Roar!! Fat Boy The King Gimme Your Soul Look into my Eyes


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Looks fricking awesome. Love the tribal-style hair!
That makes the N-Art even better.
it wasnt ment to be hair. the bits at the top and the bottom - i am still deciding whether its hair or weird electrodes attatched to the face - but all that at the back was not hair - it was sort of - sci fi ness
and yeah i know about the face - i hate the bottom jaw of it - but i went too far :P so i might change it at a later date


Oh, I didn't know it was supposed to be hair. I saw it as a face with a kind of abstract trail. I mean, that's awesome.

I really like the tileset.

Four....... hmm. Yeah, four point five.
I think the face could have been refined more.


i dont like the art, but I like the tileset. the hair looks somewhat mushed.

unless if im missing something...

Tileset looks

Really great, imo. Perfect compliment for the main design and theme.


my desktop wallpaper is from that site.

Very, very precise.

A well made N-Art.


how gay is that. its really quite pathetic. pisses me off so much. on a different note - thanks for the size and the tileset was ment to be a sort of techno-pixel thing to be in keeping with the design. thanks to all :D
The random pixelly things... ugh. The actual thing in the middle looks good.


Screw that.

Best By a mile. Kicks the cluttered and overly complex dragons etc.. into digital orbit ;)


Absolutely stunning; This is one of the best Narts I've seen.

Bitten and Fav'd


because it's different, looks great and obviously took a while

nice work

cheers guys


sniped or what - was 4.5 now is 3.5 and no comment

4.5aved too

I love it , and all ur previous narts too.. they are just FAB!!
btw, i love the wallpapers of that site ;-)