Mortis 1-2

Thumbnail of the map 'Mortis 1-2'

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Author Evil___
Tags action author:evil___ fun medium mortis playable rated
Created 2007-10-20
Last Modified 2007-10-25
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description OMG I made a large map that isn't a complete chore to play!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Mortis 0-5' Thumbnail of the map 'Mortis 0-6' Thumbnail of the map 'Mortis 0-7' Thumbnail of the map 'Mortis 0-8' Thumbnail of the map 'Mortis 0-9' Thumbnail of the map 'Mortis 1-1'
Mortis 0-5 Mortis 0-6 Mortis 0-7 Mortis 0-8 Mortis 0-9 Mortis 1-1


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yeah i know. altho i was meaning more to make some cool designes in the blocks of ground there - just to make it look slightly better - but thats only me - and others may disagree :P


this reminds me of one of the metanet levels. only this is better coz it lasts longer :D - and is more challanging and has more going for it. on the downside - i think it looks horrible and the only reason i looked at it was coz i know you make fun maps. 4/5