Giant Gold N

Thumbnail of the map 'Giant Gold N'

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Author simmaster666
Tags author:simmaster666 rated
Created 2007-10-18
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Note the name.....


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seeing as its new

ill give you some tips. its not bad as such - but it is faaaar too simple even for a 1st. ive seen better 1sts than this. for the next one - i suggest use of z snap for the outline, adding some background or something , or at least making it centered. as for the actual art - ill give it a 2.5 + .5 coz its a 1st. 3/5


its my first N art anyway man..thats why its so simple...

yeah, no

I've seen heaps of these, made a few ages ago.
It's old and doesn't have much shape. It would take like 5 secs to make.