The Sun Rises in the East

Thumbnail of the map 'The Sun Rises in the East'

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Author pepi321
Tags author:pepi321 n-art rated
Created 2007-10-17
Last Modified 2007-10-17
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description A guass-only sketch, I tried to shade the "west" side of it the most, even in the sky.

Took roughly five and a half hours, so N-joy!

Other maps by this author

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DragonFlower DragonFlower Encompassing Destiny Tribute Crank That Up Against the Wall


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They're all the same shade.


are there so many n arts right now?
but this is the best.


Way too plain. Good job though, it shows you might have potential.

im gonna fix this

im putting in a sun and sky right now


i cant really describe the scene better than ryzor just did - but its still pretty good. 4/5 coz the front mountain is cool. :P
but as the title would imply, the sky should be ablaze with some magnificent light. It has a rather drear appearance as such, like a barren spine of mountains jutting from lifeless earth to lifeless sky. Nonetheless, have a 3.5

Pretty good, 4/5

I would be better if there was an actual sun lol.
