Vampiric Demise

Thumbnail of the map 'Vampiric Demise'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author T3chno
Tags action author:t3chno eerie garlic playable rated vampiric
Created 2007-10-13
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description An eerie map I've concocted. Curently, I'm trying to move away from 1 tiles, hopefully, this will give you a sense of my upcoming maps.
~Have fun~

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Majestic Flying Poo' Thumbnail of the map 'Integrated Audio System' Thumbnail of the map 'Falling into a Manhole' Thumbnail of the map 'The Sound of Pi' Thumbnail of the map 'Reckoner' Thumbnail of the map 'Retrospecting'
Majestic Flying Poo Integrated Audio System Falling into a Manhole The Sound of Pi Reckoner Retrospecting


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I understand what you mean. I thought it was a bit creepy too. But oh well. Thanks.
The aesthetics are horrible. Gameplay is pretty good, but it just looks frightening.

it sux!!!!!!!!

This was the worst map ever! 5/5!




i finally got you to go to a new style!
5/5 for it!

i like

the tileset