Top of the World

Thumbnail of the map 'Top of the World'

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Author scythe33
Tags action artistic author:scythe33 bitesized city dedication episodic fast-paced floorguard haha medium playable rated rawr tag-abuse
Created 2007-09-29
Last Modified 2007-09-29
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description I know if you believe in me, that's all I'll ever need.
Song by Van Halen. It came on while I was making this, and gave me a great idea-namely, the city skyline at the bottom. Dedicated to lord_day for saying it needed something special. Dedicated to blue_tetris for countless awesome games of iSketch. Dedicated to my friend for almost getting me killed by a crazy redneck. Dedicated to Tsukatu for banning me. Dedicated to macaddict_17 for disagreeing with everybody. Dedicated to Obby for being a micromanagerial warn-lover. Dedicated to my bilingual friend for helping me with my Spanish homework. Dedicated to Arachnid for making NUMA. Dedicated to everybody for being who they are.
Hey, I'm allowed a good mood every once in a while.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'what is that, anyway' Thumbnail of the map 'thwump teleporter' Thumbnail of the map '- .. -- . -..' Thumbnail of the map 'all along the watchtower' Thumbnail of the map 'hall of the mountain king' Thumbnail of the map 'the shotgun sings the song'
what is that, anyway thwump teleporter - .. -- . -.. all along the watchtower hall of the mountain king the shotgun sings the song


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I'm trying not to complain. I've not seen a single person say any rating less than a four. Yet this has dropped. If anyone would tell me what they thought, I think it'd be easier to improve.
Oh, and thanks, moshpit.
Amazing map.
Excellent usage of minimal tiles. I love the concept. Beautiful aesthetics.
The only thing holding this back from perfection is the fact that it feels like it could have used that /one/ more row of tiles down, or that /one/ more space next to somewhere. It's just slightly off, but it's not much to detract from the awesomeness.



cool looking map. Very fun. Nice flow for such close quarters.


I didn't intend to completely block getting back up. The one-ways are there to look like smog, and block using the clock tower to get the door switch without getting the trapdoor.

Four. :D

However, it's cheatable. D:
You can fall to the bottom and jump through the one-ways to get back up. Unless that was intentional?
Or so it would seem.

Duly noted

And fixed, with a new agd!
Yahoozy, it is dedicated to you. I just couldn't express it in words.
Demo Data

Oh, also:

You should move the upper-most floorguard next to the homing launcher. I think that'd improve that part markedly.

the promised agd

Demo Data