
Thumbnail of the map 'progression'

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Author Fwirt
Tags action author:fwirt hard playable unrated
Created 2007-09-28
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I had a hard time naming this one. Other names were "progress" and "progressive". N-yway (pun intended) this one is back to my style of building on a theme. I like the gameplay, but it feels... bare. However, when I tried to add gold and more enemies, it didn't feel right. It looks blocky, but trust me, it's pretty fun. (At least I thought so.) Enjoy!

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I never update my levels, unless I resubmit them. But I might work on this one, and do a resubmit. Thanks for your input!


it definitely has potential.
put some gold on those tricky slopes.
NR until its updated