Level Maker

Thumbnail of the map 'Level Maker'

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Author hoohah2x2sday
Tags author:hoohah2x2sday creator experimental levelmaker rated test
Created 2007-09-27
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description I know someone else has done this...i think it was LordOfPeanuts...and good job to him. I just wanted to have atry at making here it is:

The first room is where you pick where you enter the lvl from, the center, left, or right (C, L, R)

Int he next room you decide what types of other shaped you want to put in the lvl, which are described in the gold above the keys

the third room is where you pick the enemies you want to let be a part of the lvl

finally, to pick what exit you exit through, pick a certain key
I'm not gonna tell you whcih doors whcih, so that way its at least a bit of a surprise

Please tell me what you think of it all!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Putting bullets in a hot oven' Thumbnail of the map 'You have twelve...hundred new messages' Thumbnail of the map '"I Was At A Day Spa"' Thumbnail of the map '"I'm Gonna Take The Kids BASE Jumping!"' Thumbnail of the map 'BIG BOOM' Thumbnail of the map 'Its Quiz Time'
Putting bullets in a hot oven You have twelve...hundred new messages "I Was At A Day Spa" "I'm Gonna Take The Kids BASE Jumping!" BIG BOOM Its Quiz Time


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love it

is that an added bonus, or a mistake?

only demo?

ok, i think you need to add trap doors between level editor rooms, so people cannot do what i did
Demo Data

Ya, That was me! :D

I like your selection part more than mine...

So if anyone wants to see the original level creator is here.