"Great Horny Toads!"

Thumbnail of the map '"Great Horny Toads!"'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Tags author:lnknprk bitesized cool ded rated tileset
Created 2007-09-24
Last Modified 2007-09-24
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description By golly, i have a mind to create a tileset!! (create create create) Whall, by Jove... it turned out better than i thoawt!!! gee wilikers, wait'll the gang down at the malt shop sees this!

"comments, comments, comments for the poor?" (grovels at feet) "oh kind sir, please rate and comment my map, for i would be eternally grateful..."
i think you get the picture. ded to seven two for the idea, which is right here...
NOT cheers.
EDIT: it looks really N00Bish in the thumbnail, but i swear it looks better in full view.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Highway Del Ellenaro' Thumbnail of the map 'christmas has low standards' Thumbnail of the map 'arrows' Thumbnail of the map 'Cracked Egg' Thumbnail of the map 'TPTISBSUF' Thumbnail of the map 'ducktape rocks'
Highway Del Ellenaro christmas has low standards arrows Cracked Egg TPTISBSUF ducktape rocks


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lol, this tileset looks rather scattered

sure why not

that's what tilesets are for!
...and a fave, at least.


could I use that tileset to make a level

i didnt think so

i must admit i am disapointed, but im still amatauer...amatuer...shit! a beginner, as it were, so i suppose ill get better...

holy crap!

wow, is it really that good?


Not bad

are these toads as horny as i am?