super jump

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Author bodymassage
Tags author:bodymassage test unrated
Created 2005-07-09
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description i know, this sucks, i'm just trying to figure out how to get a stronger jump. any ideas better than this, please leave a comment.


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check mine out :


take a look at my sling shot effect map its pretty cool and high


i like the launchpad superjump the best.... it's so fun. =D


Just use the launchpad. >_< The corner kick doesn't make you go much higher up when you reach the other side. You only need the corner kick part if you wanna land quater-way up the otherside wall.
I tried what I said, its quite hard to pull off but if you do it right you can make it from the one side of the map to the other in a single launch.


thwump squeeze meaning you have a thwump squeeze you into a wall, you being half way above the thwump so you don't die, but shot far up, depending on your position.

there's also the double bounce jump, where you land on a bounce block from a high position, and you press twice at the correct moment.

see .tricks at N-Vision for some tricks.

Combined Method

I haven't tried this myself yet but I might give it a try to see how good it is. You could try combining tktktk's idea of the launchpad superjump with a corner kick.

I tend to use corner kicks quite often recently and find that they can be used to launch you quite a distance. If you look on my map 'N-Veri Mental' you can view my demo where I use the corner kick to see how far you cna be lancuhed. (You can launch yourself a little further with a corner kick but I don't have a recording of me clearing the platform saved).

You'd have to work quite hard to pull off a corner kick from a launchpad superjump though because of the speed you gain from that method.


and what is the "thump squeeze?"


triple jump? i don't understand... is this what you mean?
(attached demo)
Demo Data


The triple jump!

Run towards a wall with a 1 tile on the floor. Do three jumps - the first on the slope, the second on the wall, and the third off, and you should do a collossal walljump. It's hard to pull off, but worth the effort.


The launchpad superjump. Just put a launchpad next to a wall and walljump at the same time as you hit it.


there's always the thwump squeeze.