Look into the eyeball

Thumbnail of the map 'Look into the eyeball'

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Author Coenraad
Tags artistic author:coenraad eye n-art okish unrated
Created 2007-09-15
Map Data

Description I know its not very good but i thought it would be worthwhile posting it here.

I want to improve on this so please post constructive critisism


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'ANTIMOVE SYNDROME' Thumbnail of the map 'Nothing special' Thumbnail of the map 'BugTube' Thumbnail of the map 'My 3D Attempt' Thumbnail of the map 'Periscope' Thumbnail of the map 'Buggy Spiral'
ANTIMOVE SYNDROME Nothing special BugTube My 3D Attempt Periscope Buggy Spiral


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attempt a more eye like shape like ghazbaran said. itll be awkward :P make use of space better - give it an iris not just the pupil. there is something going for it i think if you do the above.


I like the red part but i think the eye should have more "eye" shape... good anyways