Exodus Pillar

Thumbnail of the map 'Exodus Pillar'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Gforce20
Tags author:gforce20 bitesized chainguns gold laser mines nonplayable rated
Created 2007-09-08
Last Modified 2014-08-30
by 22 people.
Map Data

Description 1024 frames. That's 2 to the 10th power. Four chainguns, four lasers, plenty of mines and gold. Hope it's an improvement!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Hexago' Thumbnail of the map 'Fractal step 3' Thumbnail of the map 'Switchoff Prisoner Deux: Climax Skies' Thumbnail of the map '12358' Thumbnail of the map 'Squared Cubed' Thumbnail of the map 'Parallelophobia'
Hexago Fractal step 3 Switchoff Prisoner Deux: Climax Skies 12358 Squared Cubed Parallelophobia


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I love it, and I thought SMG was being ridiculously unreasonable.


nothing can ever be perfect.


this is on my lost of top ten ddas, mainly because of the mine/gold usage. it actually has a purpose, to get all the gold. most ddas to day are on steroids, just too fast to be enjoyable. 5/5 from me.

also, did you place the mines first or last? how did you do the lower right part? and forget about the thwumps, one per 500f is my rule. overall one of the best ddas in a while. congrats.

that would be me

who sized this


Thanks, whoever bitesized.... (IYF, Slapps!)
or a 1.



I take no sides, but i get the sniped feeling, happens to me, like i said, sometimes its a bit boring, you seem to have just added mines and gold, ,well, i don't like swearing.

You get a 4, and check out my maps, the 2 maps down the bottom, were on top rated and sniped down to what they are. man...

And that has nothing to do with him zeroing the map, just for the record.


No, guess it isn't. I always thought Slappy was a nice guy, though, he sort of lost most of my respect for him...


looking at the comments you got, 2^10 doesn't seem that lucky....

i liked it

it was a bit short, but had LOTS of close calls involving chainguns and lasers which is always fun.
minimal use of launchpads, put personally, i think thwumps are a bit stale... 4/5
Mine/gold clustering in a DDA, though eye-catching, is a no-no. And SMG is a harsh voter.


Sometimes things are better left unfinished. Like symphonies, and sex.

No, that's

not what I was saying at all. If the INCOMPLETE version gets a 4/5, and the COMPLETE version gets a 1/5... how does that make sense???


I didn't actually get to the main points of my comment...

He doesn't like your map, get over it.
The map itself isn't even that good, in my opinion.
Lastly, are you saying that you're not allowed to say that a map deserves 0, or .5/5? I mean... why don't they just take that out of the rating system, then?

Words escape me.

I really don't know how this happened, let's see...

Submitted incomplete version, received a 4/5 in comment.
Submitted complete version, randomly gets 1/5.
Resubmit, gets 0/5 and comment from Slappy.
Checked Slappy's account to see if it got hacked. Nearly all of his maps were deleted.
I assume that either it's a fake account or was hacked.
Slappy replies again, saying 0/5ing a map isn't sniping. Even when a crappier version got a 4.5.
Then people start taking his side, and now I'm too confused to say anything else.

The F-word?

I agree with slaps here, It irritates me incredibly when people care a lot about what ratings they get... if someone were to snipe all my maps, I wouldn't give a damn...

ALSO, how else would you use the "F-word"? In some sort of messed up biblical sense?


v_to_the_fifth, thanks, but I can't really take that seriously considering you give Clifty's maps 2/5s and lower.

Slappy, I'm sorry I deleted it before you commented. Snipers today are getting smarter- not giving it a full 0 in order to make the author feel that his map really was shit..... Unfortunately, now I know it's the truth.
And I wasn't ignoring you- far as I heard, you were ignoring ME.
Finally, enough with calling me the F-word. I strongly despise people who use it like that.
great in my opinion, I'll give you five to compensate for snipes

Listen up, Pal.

I tried to rate your last map, and you deleted it while I was commenting on why I rated it that way. So fuck you. If you can't take bad ratings, you need to stop submitting maps.

Furthermore, if you hadn't ignored me on #n, a fact you seem oblivious to, you might have actually heard me try to explain why I didn't enjoy your map.

So far as "Newbie Hacker" goes, I don't know what hacking has to do with clicking "Zero (Worthless)" on a shitty map.

Good luck with this. I am done paying attention.

Yeah. Meaningful.

"shitty map,"
"Fuck you."

Doesn't sound very meaningful to me. Sounds like what a nooby hacker would do if he wanted to get you into trouble.

"Grow a pair."
Already did, now why don't you.


I'm sorry I didn't enjoy your map/resubmitting.

However, the fact that you consider a harsh, meaningful rating "sniping" is utter crap.

Grow a pair.


I'm starting to wish that rumor about you leaving forever was true. I really am.


I was going to rate it "1", because I thought it was a shitty map, but then you resubmitted on the grounds that you were sniped. Fuck you.


Already sniped. ;_;