Expanding Cube II

Thumbnail of the map 'Expanding Cube II'

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Author Bullet1994
Tags action author:bullet1994 door-eerie easy playable unrated
Created 2007-09-06
Last Modified 2007-09-06
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description You have to slow down for the first trap doors in the beginning besides that this is uncheatable. If not please tell me how to improve. Thank you!

Other maps by this author

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Hell Red Vortex ErR0r ErR0r 2.0 Out of the box 69


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People click on levels that look cool, don't they?(unless they're bored and just click on whatever map is newest)

Not to be mean

but I think even you can look at other good maps and tell me why this isn't one of them.

pretty good

door eerie with enemies. I got confused during the one-ways part and thereafter. NR for now--it'd be a 3 for now tho.