Force Field

Thumbnail of the map 'Force Field'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author defenderofint
Tags 5mm asymmetric author:defenderofint frustrating hard mines puzzle ryzor tileset-based unrated
Created 2007-09-05
Last Modified 2007-09-05
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description 5-minute map.

Thanks to Ryzor for the tileset...
Maybe we should do a collab...

Thumbnail's a tad messed up though...

Other maps by this author

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Spelunking Kontrol Footwork N and the Deathly Hallows Blasters Tock


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bounceblocks fixed

Now it's all nice and unminey, whatever that means...


maybe my cold made its way into my brain? *..seem to be more proficient at doing SO THAN I.*

Perhaps we should.

But I suck at making gameplay, and you seem to be more proficient at doing do that I. So I'll whip up a tileset? Up to you.

cool idea

i despise the mine on top of bounceblock look