The Newbie Guide For One-Way Doors

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Author Goodmorning
Tags author:goodmorning because cheatable glitches guide-4-newbies one-way-door-glitches playable test unrated
Created 2007-08-29
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
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Description Name says it all, o and (tip) at the nearly end, theres a row of gold. DON'T push the door-open button or you won't get any further there.


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Jumper Quest Caught Red Handed The Game... Creepy Ducks 3 Parts 3 Games Drones got High Falling Bridge


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when I was a newbie at this game. 4/5. Great piece of information.
Demo Data


1st try
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Demo Data


in the row of numers, at the end, the number 318,3 is in red and 324 in green.


1. Offset placement of one-way (horizontal)
Created by: Manual code editing
How-to: First, you should know that it works best to use this glitch with a whole row of one-ways. So first, you should make your row of one-ways, while placing the wall that you want to be glitched slightly off. This is what you should have:

Next, exit the object editor by pressing Home. (Before you continue, make sure that your row of walls was placed last and your offset wall was placed last of all.) Go to the bottom of the code and look for repeating numbers:


Highlighted in red is your offset variable. Change this number to something even closer to the repeating digits, such as 324.01 or 323.99 (I'd suggest putting it within .01 in order to make it appear connected). Now your walls should look like they're going in a straight line. However, when N walks over the edited wall, he's sure to fall unless he decides to jump!
P.S. thanks to GForce20 for this topic


theres a little wrong thing. If you look at the tumpnail thing at a little right of the middle theres a row of one ways, you see theres 1 like "collapsed". Please put it like it should and check my next quote for more information...